Welcome to our quintessential content writing services. Here we work with devotion, dedication and determination and come up with perfection and satisfaction. You can take a look at the reviews and the other content we have written and you’ll find that they live up to our name and claim. If you’re looking for the professional and productive content writing for your website, you can contact us: webcusp@outlook.com

How the low quality, lousy content created by the content farms on websites like Fiverr kills your website SEO:

99% top level sellers on Fiverr who offer with glittering claims and promises to write content for you and vouch for the well-researched and high-quality content actually and totally cheat their clients. They just spin the already written content by others and make only few changes to the content written on other websites. They never bother to do research to produce good quality or at least original content that could have been ranked by search engines. We personally tried Fiverr more than 10 times and everytime they did their best to bluff us. But they couldn’t dodge us for long and eventually we caught them at it. We pointed out to them how they were making a fool of their clients. Actually, what we found out was that these so-called quality writers, after writing a few (around 150-200) words of the content, copy and paste lines from different websites and insert them between their own lines in such a manner that even a search engine fails to detect the lines as duplicate.

When we told them again and again that the content they claimed to be original already existed on some other websites and they took it from there and there was no such thing as research and original content, they sensed the trouble and cancelled the order so that we couldn’t make any negative ranking comments on their seller profiles. It is a well-known thing that on Fiverr everything is decided by the seller’s ranking. As it is, most byers (the figure can be as high as 90%) do not pay much attention to these things and accept the content without bothering to double-check its quality.

Our prices are as follows:

500-word post on WordPress related topics –  $50

1000-word post –  $100

1000- to 1500-word post –  $200

1500- to 2500-word post –  $300

You may think that our rates are a little high. But, it’s not like that.

Actually our rates are not high at all. We charge for what we deliver. You can first have a look at our content and posts and then decide yourself: Are our prices really high?.  you will find that each and every article is well-researched and original.









Webcusp.com is a blog which in spite of lack of any dedicated promotion on social media and the absence of a social network to promote the blog has always held a firm, stable and good ranking in Google search since its starting in 2014, just because of the quality of its content. Undoubtedly, people like our well-researched content.
So, you may have to spend a little more money for once but we promise the content will be worth the money. If you want a strong foundation for your blog, you need well-researched, thorough, original, unique and satisfactory content.

Contact us atwebcusp@outlook.com. Our Paypal email is aksrealm@gmail.com