Do you know about A2 Hosting? Likely, you don’t know. And if you heard about it, you might have not given a damn about it, considering it yet another sucking host. Literally, people are used to following HostGator and BlueHost as a blind follower. And there is no surprise in it? Roughly, there seems to be no alternative to these hosts (specially to HostGator)  (according to a big folk that is marketing these hosts aggressively) when it comes to server capacity and uptime performance. I too admit that HostGator is an amazing host (but not BlueHost) considering its CPU power.

But have you ever heeded following things?

  • Does HostGator or BlueHost uses SSD drives to store your files and databases? NO
  • Do they provide backup restore utility for free? NO
  • Do they offer a good and worthy script installer without too many ads and advertising? NO
  • Do they offer a cheap resource upgrade package? NO
  • Is it possible to clone an installation using their script installer? NO
  • Do their script installer offers on click backup restore facility for any installed software? NO
  • Do they have a free real-time PHP malware scanning and repairing tool for free? NO

It is very disappointing that none of the above given feature is available in your favorite hosts. But in addition to all goodness, A2 Hosting offers all mentioned features.

A2 Hosting utilizes SSD drives in their regular shared hosting


Yes. It is absolutely true. Without any extra charge, you can avail blazing fast SSD storage on your shared hosting account with A2 Hosting. You will have been well aware of the power of the SSD drives. They are many times faster than HDD drives. SSD drives boost your site speed dramatically and your website laods pretty faster with SSD drives.

A2 Hosting offers free premium backup restore tool (Server Rewind)

First we talk about our lovely HostGator. See, how greedy these guys turned. Instead of adding a good backup restore facility, they have become partnered with a 3rd party backup restore service named CodeGuard. However, CodeGuard service is good and they provide secure cloud backup. But it is pretty expensive for shared hosting users. They charge $20 for 1GB backup.

On the other hand A2 Hosting don’t charge even a single penny for a tool that is far more advanced and faster than CodeGuard. Yeah. I am talking about A2 Hosting in-house software named Server Rewind. Server Rewind takes daily backup of your hosting account and you can browse backups of up to last 30 days. You can restore even single file or database if required. This kind of backup restore tool may be proved life saving if you lost your website files or get your database damaged.

A2 Hosting offers best Script Installer without any bullshit ad

A2 Hosting Script InstallerHostGator script installer

A2 Hosting is powered by industry leading script installer Softaculous. With the help of Softaculus, you can, not only install from 250+ scripts, but also you can clone any installation to any other domain or subdomain or a subdirectory. This option is pretty helpful if you are developer and want to customize your website cloning it.

Some unique features of Softaculous

  • Update login detail for WordPress direct from Softaculous
  • Schedule automatic backups for installed scripts
  • Restore any backup with a click in a matter of seconds
  • Clone installation to multiple addresses
  • Over 250 scripts are available to install
  • No ads
A2 Hosting Installer (Softaculous) HostGator / BlueHost installer
Unwanted advertises around the installer No A lot
free Backup restore for installed scripts Yes $50 per installation
User-friendly interface Yes No. Heavily bloated with unwanted adwares
Installation Cloning Yes No
Editing WordPress login (or any other CMS) Yes No

A2 Hosting offers cheap resource upgrade in the condition of traffic spike

Though A2 Hosting regular plan comes with sufficient CPU resources. Yet they offer additional 1GB RAM and 2 CPU core only for $30. It is very helpful to maintain website speed if your traffic goes up abruptly. On the other hand HostGator and BlueHost recourses upgrades are expensive.

You can host maximum files with A2 Hosting (600k)

Are you aware of inode limit? inode limit is the number of files you can upload on your hosting account. For most of the shared hosting, this limit is about 2-3 lac. But with A2 Hosting it is 6 lac.

A2 Hosting is powered by a realtime malware scanner and patcher (Patchman)



A2 Hosting is partnered with Patchman, a service that scans installed scripts for known vulnerabilities and also offers on click patching. With A2 Hosting, this service is fully free. It is an incredible tool and you can find out easily which PHP file is vulnerable. Most of the other hosts sells costly malware protection services based on monthly subscriptions and HostGator/BlueHost are not the exception.

Try A2 Hosting risk free 

(50% Discount Coupon FLEET51)

A2 Hosting offers its own caching system (paid addon)

A2 Hosting Turbo Cache got lots of good talks. A2 Hosting claims to offer up to 20 times faster hosting in comparison to other hosts shared hosting if Turbo plan is used. In Turbo Package, company has utilized Litespeed servers with its own caching engine that is said to be accelerated over 20 times than normal shared hosting. (note – we, on are using Turbo package and results are pretty impressive.)

Without mentioning his name, I tell you about a famous blogger who has been promoting BlueHost as the most recommended host on his website. However, he never used BlueHost for his blogs. Reason is simple, BlueHost pays heavy commissions to its affiliates in addition to the massive incentives. I am too an affiliate marketer and earn commissions for affiliate sale. But never makes my website visitors fall prey to bad and poor services. Exploring great and innovative stuff is my passion.