Both Elementor and Divi are WordPress plugins designed to simplify the process of website creation. They empower users to construct eye-catching and dynamic websites, requiring no coding skills. All one needs is a mouse, a keyboard, and some text and images to develop an impressive website in a short timespan, from a few hours to a few days.
So, there’s no need to get tangled up in CSS or PHP, which can sometimes feel like a head-scratching exercise. It’s not just Divi and Elementor that offer this capability; there are dozens of excellent WordPress plugins and even managed website-building services like Wix. These platforms empower anyone to create highly functional, dynamic websites without needing to know web programming.

AI is set to revolutionize this field even further. It’s widely recognized that AI is significantly influencing various sectors, and the major players are incorporating generative AI technologies into their services. Whether they’re adopting and refining GPT, Claude, or building their own systems, they’re striving to harness the full potential of generative AI technology.

Generative AI is affecting every coding thing, and so is WordPress.

WordPress developers also join the bandwagon and started integrating easily available API of GPT to their web design services like WordPress plugins, website builder services.

Divi and Elementor: Top Site Builder WP Plugins Now with AI Assistants

Elementor and Divi have recently stepped up their game by incorporating AI content generators into their page builder platforms. These AI assistants are not just capable of enhancing your existing content, but also provide the ability to create new content from the ground up. Moreover, these WordPress plugins’ inbuilt AI functionalities extend to image generation and refinement, adding another dimension to their capabilities.
While harnessing generative AI can certainly enhance your writing style, rectify grammatical errors, and generate fitting visuals to better represent your content, it’s crucial to use this technology responsibly. Leveraging AI models like GPT, Claude, Llama, Bard, etc., as direct substitutes for human content writers can have detrimental effects. This practice could lead to the erosion of content authenticity, encourage content spinning, and ultimately degrade the quality of information online. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain a balance, ensuring that AI aids human creativity, rather than replacing it entirely. This approach safeguards the integrity of the web, ensuring that users can continue to find genuine and high-quality information.

Divi AI versus Elementor AI – How they square off against each other

Let’s cut to the chase and delve into the essence of Divi AI and Elementor AI. We’ll explore how each operates and determine which one outshines the other.

Divi versus Elementor AI: As of now, which one boasts a greater number of features

Launched back in March 2023, Elementor AI is now more mature and feature-rich compared to Divi AI, which was launched a few months later. It’s obvious that the older the code is, the more refined it becomes, leading to more features and enhancements.

Elementor’s AI supports not only writing text and creating images, but also coding.

Divi Ai vs Elementor Ai – Writing Assistant

In terms of text generation, both Divi and Elementor AI offer comprehensive tools, packed with essential prompts to curate and create content from scratch. However, it’s worth noting that Divi AI’s text content generator appears to offer more options, and its interface is arguably more visually appealing.
Both Elementor and Divi AI allow you to create new content or rewrite existing pieces.
When you click on the Elementor AI icon, an interface appears where you can enter any prompt, along with some suggested prompts for your convenience.
When your prompt is answered in Elementor AI, you’re presented with a limited set of options to curate your content, such as “change tone”, “fix grammar”, “expand”, “shorten”, and “translate”.

However, with Divi AI, you’re provided with a plethora of options to curate and customize your prompt response. Here, you’ll find additional quick actions like “write and replace”, “make it better”, “simplify”, “rewrite for experts or beginners”, “rephrase”, “paraphrase”, and more. You even have the ability to provide keywords that you want your content to focus on.

Elementor vs Divi Ai – Image Generation and Editing

Both Elementor AI and Divi AI have distinct advantages in terms of image generation.

Which AI Language Model do Divi & Elementor utilize to produce and design visuals?

Divi employs OpenAI’s Stable Diffusion to generate AI images. Although I have not received explicit confirmation from their official team, I believe that Elementor AI uses a similar approach. Both platforms can generate high-resolution and remarkably accurate images given the correct prompts.

A Quick Overview of Elementor AI’s Image Generation Capabilities

Elementor’s Image AI module is more advanced, offering a prompt enhancer feature. Clicking on this option generates a detailed prompt, leading to improved results.
Furthermore, Elementor AI provides additional features such as AI background removal and generative fill, similar to Adobe Firefly. Its AI background removal feature can eliminate the background from any image, whether it’s AI-generated or uploaded to the website. Another useful feature it offers is “replace background”, which can come in handy for various design purposes.

Now, let’s see Divi’s AI also holds any advantages when it comes to image creation.

There are some distinctive traits of Divi Image Ai that will surely pique your interest once you get to know them.Divi Ai’s image module not only create Ai images but also it can create images in more styles than that of what Elementor’s offer.
Furthermore, Divi Ai offers you the ability to recreate and re-envision existing images. It allows you to enhance the resolution of these images by up to 4X. Additionally, when generating an AI image, you have the option to provide a reference image.


In favor of Divi Ai – Ability to refine existing images, Image upscaler up to 4X, capability to add reference images, and more styles for images

In favor of Elementor AI – it offers features like a prompt refiner, generative fill (similar to Adobe Firefly), and an AI background eraser and replacer.

Divi vs Elementor Ai – Code generation

Elementor AI now supports CSS code generation, a highly beneficial feature for advanced users who are familiar with how CSS works. This feature allows you to customize the look, feel, and even the animations of your website beyond the usual constraints. The AI can convert your simple text prompts into perfect, error-free code. Each Elementor element includes an option to add custom CSS, along with an inline button to generate CSS with AI.
Elementor AI is capable of generating scripts that web designers can utilize to enhance their websites. For instance, it can generate code to display two different logos at specific times – one for daytime and another for nighttime. This feature adds a dynamic touch to the overall design of the website.

At present, Divi AI may not have the capacity for code generation, but it’s a fair bet that the maestros at Divi will soon bridge this gap. Imagine them, in a whirlwind of productivity, adroitly crafting the required code, utilizing AI to usher in code generation functionalities within Divi. It’s an amusing paradox, isn’t it? They’ll likely harness the power of AI to expedite their theme development, and in doing so, bring to life the AI-enabled code generation feature within Divi. A tad unconventional perhaps, but absolutely true! 😉

Update – Divi AI Now Writes Code, Just Like Elementor AI

Given that Elementor has already established its mark in AI-assisted code creation, I’ve been mulling over how Divi seems to be tracing a similar path. Recently, Divi introduced its own new feature that enables custom code generation through AI.
Divi and Elementor are engaged in a healthy competition. Divi’s AI code assistant is not just following Elementor’s steps, but in some respects, it even surpasses it. In addition, Divi’s AI roadmap includes generating an entire page layout using AI prompts. When two powerful entities compete in such a manner, the direct beneficiaries are the consumers, as neither can afford to slow down their pace of development. Such is the nature of this competitive landscape.

Elegant Themes Teases Upcoming Rollout of Text-Prompt-Driven Full Page Layout Generation

Divi has teased the inclusion of one-prompt layout generation in future updates, most likely to be unveiled in the highly anticipated Divi Version 5. Elementor, however, has been tight-lipped about whether they’re developing a text-prompt-to-full-layout feature. But if I were a betting person, I’d wager they’re definitely working on something similar.

What Divi Ai code assistant can do so far

  • It can write css, html and javascript code
  • It can refine your already written code


Winner – Tie

Divi vs Elementor Ai – Pricing

Elementor AI offers a more affordable option compared to Divi AI, albeit with limited usage. Conversely, Divi AI provides unlimited usage but comes with a higher price tag.

If you’re working on a handful of websites, Elementor AI might be the more cost-effective choice. With plans ranging from as low as $3 to $8 per month—depending on the credits offered—you can see why it might edge out Divi AI for individuals or small-scale projects.

However, for a bustling web design agency, Divi AI could be the champion. Offering unlimited usage, it allows your clients to use the service as extensively as they need without any worry about exceeding limits. Yet, if Divi AI is only being used for a small number of websites, the $18 per month fee may seem steep.

We’re all aware of an individual’s usage capabilities and the extent of resources they can consume from a service. Therefore, Elementor’s credit-based plan may be a more fitting choice for those with low to medium usage needs.


In favor of Divi AI – Unlimited usage is great for web design agencies.

In favor of Elementor AI – It’s affordable for small users with limited usage.

Elementor vs Divi – Which Large Language Model (LLM) Is Preferred for Text/Code Generation?

Divi is using GPT-3.5, and although it is not mentioned anywhere on their website, they readily admitted it when I asked. It’s somewhat disappointing that Divi AI is harnessing AI power from an older version of GPT, while GPT-4 is available.
When we place GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 side by side, the difference in their capabilities is stark, akin to the distance between the earth and the sky. GPT-4 has a superior understanding of rough prompts, providing more accurate responses and making fewer errors. This comparison, therefore, underlines the need for the next evolution of these platforms.

In the case of Elementor, they have not publicly disclosed the specific Large Language Models (LLMs) they employ to generate content. This information isn’t provided on their website, nor have they shared it directly. They’ve simply mentioned that they intermittently use a range of LLMs, suggesting that there isn’t one particular model they consistently depend on for delivering AI content through Elementor AI.

Limitations – Divi vs Elementor AI

Divi AI affords you the liberty to generate content as extensively as you would with OpenAI, even encompassing sensitive topics. In contrast, Elementor, in its Ai system has instituted a content filter that might obstruct prompts related to certain subjects.

While the intention to filter offensive content is commendable and the restrictions imposed by OpenAI are deemed adequate, over-regulation can prove counterproductive. Excessive restrictions not only curb creativity but may also impede academic research. After all, no one appreciates being overly restricted.

Winner – Divi Ai

So, when it comes to drawing a conclusion, which one fares better: Divi AI or Elementor AI?

There’s no doubt that the efforts made by both companies to integrate generative AI directly into their page builder interfaces are highly commendable. This certainly paves the way for content curation, be it text, design, images, and more, in the future. I have done my utmost to evaluate each platform’s strengths and weaknesses. Through my research, you would have discovered that both companies’ AI systems have their own advantages and disadvantages.

However, setting these factors aside, I personally believe that Divi AI could benefit from offering a variety of plans. Users should have the option to choose a cheaper plan that suits their needs. A monthly fee of 18 dollars may not be feasible for everyone, particularly those who do not manage a large number of websites.

Conversely, Elementor has crafted a more attractive pricing model. However, if you wish to use any other generative AI services like Adobe Firefly, Poe, or OpenAI’s GPT Plus, be prepared for your monthly expenses to increase.

There are two distinct benefits that can be gained from having an AI assistant integrated into a website designer interface. The first one is that you can instantly rewrite content and create AI images without having to switch tabs. The second major benefit is that you can write code directly within the website builder to further customize your design.

Now, it’s up to you to decide whether you need an integrated AI assistant, or if you can manage with a third-party AI assistant, or if bearing the cost of both would be more convenient for you. The choice is in your hands.

If you think that Elementor’s AI assistant is better, and you decide to abandon your favorite Divi builder because of it, or vice versa, that you prefer Divi’s AI feature and you switch from Elementor to Divi because of it, then, in my opinion, this would be a completely wrong decision.
Instead, consider opting for external generative AI services. For instance, GPT Plus offers a premium and more updated version of OpenAI’s GPT, including a sufficient quota of GPT-4 and its recent updates. Another alternative is Quora’s Poe, a platform that provides a monthly quota for using various AI systems like GPT-3, GPT-4 and its recent updates, Anthropic’s Claude, Stable Diffusion, and more.